Saturday 28 March 2020

So You Want to Start A Blog

As of just a few years ago, a blog was something we sometimes heard about, but really did not understand what in the world it was. If you are close to my age, there are so many things now adays that you wonder what in the world it is. The good news is that you can teach old dogs new tricks, and folks, it is great fun.

Everyone who has experienced life can start a blog at any age. If you have a hobby, an interest, expertise that you should share, a blog is a great way to do that. There are lots of ways to do that. There are sites where you can host your blog for free, and others that do have a cost associated with them. The free sites like Typepad and Blogger are great if you just want a personal site where you want to just share your personal ideas and thoughts.

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If you want to build a business, in my opinion, WordPress is the way to go. You need to understand that there are two versions of WordPress. is a great solution for someone who wants to have a personal blog. If you want to build your business, you want The .com version is free, but has limited capability and versitility, the .org has a small expensed associated with it, but it is minimal. Both versions are free to use, but if you chose the .org version, you will have to invest in your domain name(under $10 per year) as well as hosting (about $7 per mo).

Remember the days of paying $1500+ for a website and monthly fees to a webmaster? Well, that was then, WordPress has changed all that. You don’t  need a lot of knowledge of computer languages, and once you get the hang of it, it is pretty easy to use.

I never would have believed that I would ever manage my own website, much less build my own. If I can do it, you can too. If you don’t want to take the time to learn all that, but just want a crash basic course, I can sure help you with that. Please feel free to ask questions, and I will do my best to help.

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