Saturday 28 March 2020

The Best Blogging Sites On The Internet

Blogging is still one of the most popular means of communication on the Internet. Even with the rise of other forms of social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, blogs remain a great way to publish content and attract a large audience. Every day, people start new blogs.

Some just want to express themselves, while others are trying to attract attention. If you are interested in starting a blog, an important first step is to choose a blogging platform. The following are some of the best blogging sites on the Internet.

One of the oldest and most popular blogging sites is WordPress. There are two basic options if you choose this option. You can choose a free service that lets you customize your site by hosting the software on your server. This lets you use many different plugins and use your own themes.

If you do not need this much control, you can choose to use WordPress’s own server as a host. This can be easier to start with, though the potential for customization is a lot less. The vast number of different plugins and tweaks that have been created can be overwhelming to the novice blogger, so choosing the simpler option can be better when you are starting out.

Blogger is a blogging platform run by Google, and it is another of the best blogging sites around. It is free to anyone who has a Google account. Getting started with Blogger is quite simple, and it comes with many templates and layouts that you can choose from. If you want to monetize your blog, it is easy to start using the Google AdSense program.

However, Blogger does not offer nearly as many plugins as WordPress, nor is it as customizable. If you really enjoy getting under the hood and tinkering with your blog, you may end up getting frustrated by Blogger before long. On the whole, however, it is a good choice for most bloggers who only need the basics.

Tumblr is a newer blogging platform that is popular with many younger users. Unlike Blogger or WordPress, many Tumblr blogs involve reposting content from other blogs, rather than creating your own. For example, you might have a Tumblr full of images you like or videos you enjoy.

Tumblr is easy to start using and has a strong social media element. If you enjoy tweeting and posting on Facebook, Tumlbr might be a good choice for you. If you prefer a more traditional blog with lengthier posts, you might want to look for a different option.

There are a number of other blogging platforms that are available as well. For example, Medium was started by the founders of Twitter, and is well-integrated with that site. Svbtle has an elegant user interface, but is only open to a limited number of users.

If you are interested in starting your own blog, you need to choose one of the best blogging sites around. Try some of these sites out for a while to see which one best suits you.

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