Saturday 28 March 2020

Why start a family blog?

You may be asking yourself “Why start a family blog?” Starting a blog is both a purposeful and enduring pursuit. If you are like most parents you realize how fleeting time can be when it comes to how fast your children grow up.  I remember when my son turned one and I thought, “how did that happen?!” I started blogging when he was about six months old, and I am so glad I did. One day I know I will enjoy looking back on some of his special moments, and I am certain he will, too.

Among the many reasons why to start a family blog, below are five main reasons you should consider:

1. To preserve memories over time.

This is arguably the most important reason to start a blog. In an era of digital photography and social media, we are constantly documenting and archiving our lives on the Internet. Starting a blog is a place for you to house and showcase your best work and most precious memories in one central place. A blog is a small corner of the web where you can personalize your site, add your own style, and organize all of your thoughts, stories, and pictures. Your family and friends will love reading about your adventures, and you yourself will love looking back at all your stories.

2. To stay connected with family and friends across the miles.

No longer are we living in a world where Grandma and Grandpa always live right down the street. Families are often scattered across the country and sometimes, as in my case, across the ocean in a completely different country. Blogging is a way to bridge the gap across the miles and stay connected in an otherwise expansive world. My in-laws live in Germany so we only get to see them in person about twice per year. In addition to video chatting with them, they follow my blog to stay connected with us. They love reading stories about our son and looking at pictures at the things we have done and the places we have been. If you, too, find yourself with family and friends scattered across the world, encourage them to email subscribe to your blog. You can even interact through comments and discussions.

3. To join a community of family bloggers like you.

Blogging is all the rage. People blog about anything from food to gardening to exercise to books to travel to photography and more. Joining a growing community of family bloggers like you will help you stay inspired and connect with others who are going through the same things as you. 3 AM feedings? Potty-training anyone? You will feel so refreshed to see and read about other parents adventures that before you know it you may even be joining or starting a writing group with fellow parent bloggers. Blogging is a great way to meet people with similar interests and life experiences as you, as well as learn and obtain new blogging ideas from people with differing perspectives. No matter what your objective is you will surely be informed, most definitely entertained, and at times maybe even persuaded by other family bloggers.

4. To allow for self expression and creative passion.

Once you set up a blog it is your creative space to showcase however you want. You can customize your layout and write a description that summarizes your blog. The best part is, you get to make all the rules. A blog is a small corner of the Net that is all yours. There are no deadlines (unless you want/create them for yourself), no grammar police, and no pressure when it comes to blogging. Although I do advise you to proofread and use some form of comprehensible writing style. You want your blog to be easy to read, which will keep readers coming back and increase the number of followers you have. Other than that, have fun and be you!

5. To gain personal fulfillment.

Once you gain a few followers and start receiving comments you will discover that others enjoy reading the content and looking at the pictures you included in your posts just as much as you enjoyed creating the stories. You will soon be a blogging machine, wanting to preserve and capture as many special moments as possible. Writing a blog will make you feel productive, purposeful, and allow you to tap into creativity you never knew you had. The longer you blog, the more fulfilling it becomes because not only do you have content to look back on, but most likely you are gaining more followers thus motivating you to write more posts. Blogging is a positive and self-fulfilling outlet that will allow you to find enjoyment in an otherwise crazy, nonstop world. Taking just a few hours each week to simply create posts, reflect on past posts, and enjoy reading other family blogs is sure to bring you joy.

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