Friday 28 February 2020

How to start a family blog: Quick steps to creating your first blog

Setting up the perfect family blog is simple. Whether you are a stay at home mom or a busy Grandparent you can easily set up a blog to share special moments with families and friends. Starting a blog is free and it can be done in a few minutes. Sharing your blog with friends and family is a snap. Blogs can be shared via Facebook, Twitter, and email.  You can design your blog to share stories, pictures, and videos of your family.

The two main sites used to create blogs are WordPress and Blogger. Both sites are Internet driven and require only basic computer skills. WordPress is the latest standard for blogging. The platform provides the blog creator with various cool add-ons that are called widgets. Widgets are added to the blog through the user interface. The widgets are what make WordPress the winner and most popular of the two main blogging platforms. Therefore, I will explain the basics of setting up the blog in WordPress.

Quick 4-Step Blog Set Up:

1. Visit and create an account.
Once you go to the WordPress site, just click on the “Get Started Here” button and start filling out the one-step form. The first thing you’ll have to do is come up with a cleaver name for your blog. As I mentioned before, it is completely free to start a basic WordPress blog.

2. Come up with a creative name and start thinking about your content.
You can name the blog whatever you want. I suggest using something simple and easy to type. Try to avoid making the blog address too long or complex. Make it easy for your friends and family to find. Then start thinking about what type of content you want to share. You can write a simple paragraph describing your blog and include it in an “About” page. That way your readers will know where you are coming from.

3. Get started and add your first post.
Now you are moving! Once you familiarize yourself with your blog’s “dashboard,” which is basically where you, the author, will do all the behind the scenes work, it is time to write your first post. On the WordPress dashboard page, simply click the “New Post” tab to start adding content. You can add the title of the post and whatever content you choose, include text, pictures, and audio/video. When you are satisfied with your post, click the “Publish Post” button and your text will publish to your blog. It’s that simple!  Now let your friends, family, and followers know by sharing the link.

4. Let your friends and family know about the blog.
You can share your post through social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Go to the blog post and click the share buttons at the bottom of the post. Another way you can share the blog post is by copying the web address and pasting the address into an email.

Doing these quick 4-steps will allow you to create your blog, add content, and share the post.

Adding content to the blog may come easy at first, but over time you may find it difficult to come up with ideas. As your blog progresses, you will need fresh ideas. Writer’s block is common so don’t worry. We have a solution. Join our weekly blog writing prompts list and get creative content ideas for your blog. The weekly prompts will be emailed to you so you can stay motivated and inspired. To sign up for the weekly blogging prompt enter your email below the green box on our homepage.

Still have questions? Check back frequently to continue learning more about family blogging.

Upcoming topics:

- Ad-ons and widgets

- Exploring the dashboard

- Adding photos and videos

- Creating and defining the focus of your blog

- Advanced ways to integrate and share your blog using social media

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